Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Sour and Rough Patch of Kids

This is my personal attempt at Gretchen Rubin's, Happiness Project. I hereby declare the ten things I'll be focusing on for the next 10 months in Armenia

  1. Learn Parlor Card Tricks- I already mastered the bridge! 
  2. Solve the Rubik's Cube!
  3. Knit something
  4. Play the guitar and sing at the same time!
  5. Become a Geography buff
  6. Build a repertoire of jokes and fun facts
  7. Learn chess 
  8. Nail the Carmen Electra strip tease video
  9. Get that beach body for summer in SD
  10. Collect souvenirs for home
Thoughts friends? 

Doing this will hopefully keep me distracted and happy.